Course Info |2 min read

Full Mouth Rehabilitation: Education Is Key!

Full Mouth RehabilitationThere is a full mouth rehabilitation treatment plan in every restorative clinician’s office – whether it has been presented or not! Many dentists are intimidated, rightfully so, by all the factors that go into the successful, predictable full mouth rehabilitation.

From case planning, fee considerations, phasing, time, and costs there are an array of moving parts that are individualized for each case. While these cases can seem overwhelming and stressful, the truth is that there is rarely a more satisfying and moving treatment than to give someone back their function and a great smile after years of struggling to do so.

You can’t simply read a manual or technique guide to get the specifics. It’s a commitment to continuing education that will not only provide you additional resources but mentorship that is truly irreplaceable. There is no “cookbook,” however there is a system that will remove your hesitation and replace it with the excitement of newfound confidence in tackling these cases.

Here’s our “where to start” answer:


Take a John Nosti Headshot 2walk in Dr. John Nostiʼs shoes by observing and discussing diagnosis, treatment planning, prepping, and seating twenty units of a full mouth rehabilitation during our Full Mouth Rehabilitation: Over-the-Shoulder program. Get up close and personal (and we mean close) with the systems, techniques, and thought processes that make Dr. Nosti a trusted opinion leader in regards to restorative dentistry and advanced dental continuing education. The low-stress environment allows the participant to learn and absorb Dr. Nosti’s knowledge without the challenges of treating your own patient. You will get to learn from diagnostic records, treatment planning, preparation design, provisionalization, cementation, and case finishing — and you will get to experience it all in four days over two weekends.

Check out more information and upcoming dates for the program here. Sign up now by sending in this FMR Registration 2015 form!
