Dentistry |2 min read

How to Increase Production in Your Dental Office

Increase Production in Your Dental PracticeIs your marketing plan for increased production stalling?

by Dr. John Nosti

You’re watching the clock, sitting at your desk and wondering what to do in those unfulfilled gaps in the production schedule. You want to see more patients, but none of your marketing efforts seem to work.

It’s a little mind-numbing and a lot frustrating. So how can you boost those slow days at the office?

Start by changing how you think about the average denture patient’s needs.

The Denture Patient MythDispelling the Second Myth

Part of successful marketing is not just how you do it, but who you do it for.

Understand your audience. If you want to add more denture patients to the schedule, investigate what they actually care about.

Common Denture Patient Myth: Denture patients are only looking for cheap options.

Realize Your Production Potential

A 2012-2013 independent study of denture wearers revealed an enlightening truth.

  • 63% of the patients surveyed would pay more for a more natural looking denture.
  • 76% would pay more for a denture that fits better.
  • 71% would pay more for a denture that doesn’t stain as easily.

That’s no chump change! The implications of this information are clear.

A significant amount of potential denture wearers are willing to invest in their smiles.

Give Patients a Better Option

Simplify. Simplify. Simplify.

In your rush to implement all the bells and whistles of this year’s hottest marketing trend, did you forget to actually talk with your patients?

When a new denture patient arrives for a consultation, discuss the best quality care you can provide.

Be a dental practice that impresses them from the second they walk through the door. Don’t assume they know their options.

Three places to begin the discussion:

  • The possibility of more aesthetic denture teeth.
  • Options for customized denture bases.
  • Processing techniques with better results.

Did you read Dr. Nosti’s previous post on denture patient myths and increasing your case load? If so, let us know which myth surprised you more in the comments!