Dentistry |1 min read

#SmileStories: Using Photography to Enhance Case Presentation

By Dr. Jason Olitsky

A 27 year old air traffic controller patient presented to the office for porcelain veneers. He has a girlfriend that has beautiful teeth and he desired a healthy and masculine smile. Evaluation of his smile was completed with the patient using a before picture of the full face and smile taken in the photo studio. The digital images are uploaded immediately to the computer and presented to the patient on the dental chair mounted monitor. From this position, the smile can be objectively critiqued by the patient and the dentist. The patient is allowed to vocalize his concerns regarding his smileis then able to address those concerns and talk about possible solutions that fit his budget. Options were given to the patient such as bonding and contouring, orthodontics, and direct and indirect veneers.

After having a discussion about how to improve issues related to smile design, we decided that the best way to correct the width to height proportions of the centrals and laterals as well as correct the asymmetry of tooth wear and whiten the teeth was through the use of minimal preparation veneers. The decision for minimal preparation veneers by Gold Dust Dental Lab  was made and diagnostic information was collected for laboratory communication. Upper and lower VPS impressions were taken with Ivoclar Vivadent Virtual Heavy and light body impression material.

Proper communication with the laboratory enabled us to set up the case for minimal preparation for the porcelain material resulting in ceramic restorations that were both life-like and conservative.

After 3 Smile before