Dentistry |2 min read

2 Useful Tips for Designing a Gorgeous Dental Practice Logo

Your dental practice logo is more important than you think. It’s the primary, central imagery patients associate with your brand. It is a visual representation of your vision that shows up everywhere from your front door to the reminder emails patients receive.

The following tips are useful whether you’ve just opened a dental practice (congrats!) or are thinking of revitalizing your brand. If your goal is to enhance the patient experience, an attractive and professional logo can imbue another degree of quality to patients’ interactions with your practice.

designing a gorgeous dental practice blog2 Tips for Designing a Quality Dental Practice Logo

1. Let a Professional Handle It

This cannot be emphasized enough. Your practice is like your child. Would you intentionally give it a bad haircut and let just anyone do it? Of course not. Invest in a professional graphic designer who has either lots of experience or an accredited degree or both.

The frustrating part of being a designer is that everyone thinks they can do it. Unfortunately, messing around in Photoshop produces ‘meh’ results. The average person, even if they’re artistic, does not understand the complex artistic principles of designing a logo. It’s not a good idea to slap a stylized tooth on a frilly typeface (with a cheesy gradient) and call it a day.

Fiverr is a great place to start if you’re in the market for a professional. When choosing a designer, look at their portfolio for examples of their particular style.

2. Make Sure It Scales

The hardest part about working with a designer is not knowing how to assess quality beyond, ‘That looks really nice.’ One thing to check for in a good logo is the ability to scale. Details and accoutrement like a fancy flourish are ineffective in a logo because sometimes you need it to be very small.

Simple is always better. All elements of the logo should be clearly visible at multiple sizes. Think of Nike’s swoosh, one of the most successful logos of all time. You see the swoosh and that’s all the input you need (though many dental practices will want to incorporate typography so that their name is visible).

In the end, it’s okay to leave most of the decisions to your designer. Give them an idea of your brand and desired potential color scheme. It takes some trial and error to arrive at a gorgeous result.

What do you think makes for an ideal practice logo? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!