Dentistry |2 min read

Why Educating Your Team is the Hardest Part of Cosmetic Treatment Planning

When treatment planning a cosmetic case, your first instinct might be to focus the majority of your attention on your technical skill level. You may not realize that other seemingly less crucial factors can have a much more significant impact on the success of the case. What’s one area many overlook? The team.

Why your team is important to successful cosmetic treatment planning.In this blog, Dr. Catalano explains why this is true for him in his practice and how focusing on team helps him meet patient expectations.

Team and Its Role in Treatment Planning Success

The hardest part of cosmetic treatment planning for me is educating my front desk about all the nuances of each case. I tend to focus more on my assistant and not my front desk.

It is crucial to have everyone on board for the smooth transition of these cases. I think we are good at it but we could do much better. To have a seamless transition with all members of the team requires working on it, educating them about what we do, and even role playing.

What happens with me is when we get a new staff member I often assume they will learn about our process through diffusion. Unfortunately, this does not work if you want to have a high performing team. Great businesses are an ongoing project. It is a process of growth.

My mindset getting started on a cosmetic case is to be myself, excited, confident, passionate, interested, and present. Having a streamlined, efficient team enables me to do this. It’s important to be fully there for the patient who is interested in your opinion. You have one opportunity to make an impression on them. Be honest with yourself and the patient about their expectations and yours.

Get your team on the same page with Clinical Mastery Series Team Training course! What do you think is the hardest part of cosmetic treatment planning? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!